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Example 2 - Multiple Profiles

There are no limits on the number of users that can be added to the social stream for each social network. To add multiple profiles include the relevant social network IDs as a comma-separated list.

The following example creates a social stream, which combines 3 twitter users into one single feed:

  • User 1: designchemical
  • User 2: wordpress
  • User 3: jquery

jQuery Code

	feeds: {
			twitter: {
				id: 'designchemical,wordpress,jquery'
		twitterId: 'designchemical',
		iconPath: 'images/dcsns-dark/',
		imagePath: 'images/dcsns-light-1/'


<div id="social-stream"></div>

The social stream is inserted into the "social-stream" div tag when the page loads.


To set up your Twitter API credentials see Social Networks Details -> Twitter API Credentials.

Demo Light